Our Services

Once a Development Approval (DA) has be granted from your local Council, a Construction Certificate (CC) will be required.

As Registered Certifiers we can assess your application and once all requirements are fulfilled we can then issue your CC so that your project can progress through the Construction phase and we will aim to provide a proactive, cost effective & timely service in producing your CC approval.

Complying Development Certificates CDC are a form of Building approval through the State Environmental Planning Policy (exempt & Complying Code-(SEPP).
This code sets out the standards required for a varied list of Developments including

  • New Dwellings
  • Dwelling Additions & Alterations
  • Rural Dwellings
  • Sheds, Carports, Garages, Decks, Verandas Pergolas etc
  • Detached Studios
  • Swimming Pools
  • Granny Flats (Secondary Dwellings)

As Registered Certifiers we can assess your application to determine whether your project can be a CDC and we will aim to provide a proactive, cost effective & timely service in producing your CDC approval.

As a Registered Certifier we can act as the PC on your project.
The roll of the PC is to ensure the project is in compliance with the relevant Acts, Regulations, Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards.

The PC is appointed by the project owners and we provide our services to you.

An Occupation Certificate (OC) is required prior to the project being inhabited.

Our Roll as PC requires that the project be suitable for its use in accordance with the Building Code of Australia and that the legislation requirements have been met.

We aim to ensure this process is as easy and uncomplicated as possible through being proactive and focused on the outcomes.

Application Process

The building approval process can be confusing and complicated.
Mick Brooks building Certifiers aims to reduce the pain of this process.
We will review your project documentation to assess which approval process suits your project and discuss with you what will help make the process run smoothly

Building Compliance Reports

Mick Brooks Building Certifiers also provide a service producing BCA compliance reports.
These reports are produced to help with any requirements for a building to be assessed for compliance with the Building Code of Australia.

As the PC, we will ensure that once the CC or CDC has been issued that ALL critical stage inspections take place to ensure that the project is constructed to comply with the relevant legislative requirements.